TAG Heuer Enthusiast Gallery Blog is 'finished'

Well, okay it's not 'finished' as it will obviously be an ongoing project, with watches being added as they are released or as they come to my attention. It's been a crazy couple of weeks, in which I have gone from an idea to a blog with 1024 watches posted on it! Needless to say I have an acute case of carpal-tunnel coming on!

I feel like I have absorbed quite a bit of information, just through repetition and I bet if you gave me a part number I would be able to have a good guess at what it was. It's been a good experience in other ways as well, since scouring the internet I have discovered quite a few watches that I had never seen before and it's making me think long and hard about my next purchase.

I will add a banner somewhere here shortly, which will take you to the Gallery Blog, but in the meantime you can click the picture at the top of this post. I hope you all enjoy it, and let me know if you know of something that's missing.
