
Sometimes, you just know something is too good to be true... and so it proved with this one. I found this one on eBay going for £50 or thereabouts and (obviously) put it on my 'Watch List'. And then promptly forgot about it. Then, several days later, I got an email reminding me that it was ending soon and since it was now about £62 I thought I'd better get myself in the game!

When I logged on there was about 20 minutes of the auction remaining, and since the photos were so good the only question I really had was how 'midsize' was 'midsize', actually? With such a short time remaining I opted to Google the part number and was unreliably informed that the watch was 38mm in diameter. You can see where this is going can't you?

Yep, you guessed it... it's not 38mm and not even close - it's 32mm. Way too small for me of course, but I didn't know that... and so I placed a bid of £147 and eventually won the watch for £120. I should have known, and I did have a niggling doubt - but I was optimistic, at least until the watch arrived.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice looking watch and the brown strap doesn't even bother me, in fact I think it goes perfectly with the cream dial and the gold links, and if it had in fact measured 38mm across the bezel then I would have been perfectly happy to pay £120 for it, in fact I would have been happy to pay double that... but, 32mm it is, and it looks very silly on my 7.3/4" wrist indeed.

Of course, the vendor doesn't accept returns, and they never disclosed a diameter so I'm stuck there and will have to try and sell it on myself. Part of me actually wants to keep it, but it's silly to keep something that I can't actually wear, I know £120 isn't a vast amount of money, but it's better spent on something I can actually wear and so I will be listing it very soon (because knowing my luck at the moment the battery will die before I can sell it!)

It has been nice to see it though, and it's really... I was going to say it's 'changed' my opinion, but that's not true - it's reinforced my belief that the strap versions of the S/ELs are actually quite cool. I'd prefer a bracelet everytime, but this looks a lot nicer than I thought it would - if only it were 37mm or more, I'd gladly wear it with pride!

I have a friend with a (just under) 7" wrist and this watch looks surprisingly good on him, I think this style lends itself to being undersized, just not this undersized when you have a 7.3/4" wrist. Oh well, I guess this is another one that gets put down to experience... I shouldn't think I'll lose too much on it, I might even break even - worst case scenario I'll keep it and give it to my wife!

This is a picture of the watch on my friend's wrist, I think it looks great... I just wish it looked like this on my wrist, but sadly it doesn't.
